News@St-Chris Vol 3.03/Nov 2014

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Pupil Voice Increases!

Jnr Student Council 12Congratulations to our Junior School Student Council representatives for this year. They will be meeting regularly to discuss whole school issues. Here they are receiving school cupcakes at a brief meeting with Mrs Bataineh and Mr Mannings just after the school assembly when they were introduced to the rest of the school. This year, we have changed our Student Council structure so we also have year group – student councils who will meet regularly to discuss issues specific to their year group. These are made up of two representatives per class. Expect more news from all of them later in the year! Rakan Da Cruz commented, ‘I am really looking forward to this year and working with our team of student councillors. One of our first projects will be opening the time capsule at the front of the school. Watch this space!’

Jnr Student Council 10

Maya Telang   3D Zouhair Hamdan 3B
Layla Al Dahwi 4B Owen Morton-Sheperd  4F
Catherine Knecht  5A Mohammed Ghaith 5A
Sapphyre Mills Kennedy 6D Rakan Da Cruz   6F