News@St-Chris Vol 3.03/Nov 2014

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Smashing Records 

Over 400 swimmers took part in the Senior School Inter-House Swimming Gala. There were some fantastic individual and team performances with 17 School Records broken. The overall winner was Falcon House with 445 points. Male Swimmers of the Day Award were presented to Quentin Botha and Shane McCarthy and the Female Swimmer of the Day Award was presented to Florence Tinsley. Many thanks to all officials and competitors for making it a very special day. 

Gala1 Gala2

Results and Records 2014

Position House Points
1st FALCON 445
2nd OSPREY 408
3rd MERLIN 390
4th KESTREL 312


Records 2014

Backstroke Florence Tinsley G Osprey 34.74 8
Backstroke Shane McCarthy B Osprey 30.69 10
Backstroke Nicolas Kalis B Falcon 33.13 12
Backstroke Tara McCarthy G Osprey 34.46 12
Breaststroke Florence Tinsley G Osprey 31.45 8
BreastStroke Shane McCarthy B Osprey 34.24 10
Butterfly Louise Leijonberg G Merlin 15.05 9
Butterfly Quentin Botha B Osprey 13.13 10
Front-Crawl Danielle Doherty G Merlin 33.91 7
Front-Crawl Mounir Hinedi B Falcon 28.9 9
Front-Crawl Quentin Botha B Osprey 26.5 10
7 Girls Medley Relay G Merlin 1.17.68 7
8 Girls Medley Relay G Falcon 1.11.65 8
8 Girls Freestyle Relay G Falcon 1.05.26 8
9 Boys Freestyle Relay B Merlin 56.85 9
Snr Girls Free Relay G Osprey 59.21 Senior
House Relay Falcon 2.31.6 All