News@St-Chris Vol 3.03/Nov 2014

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Decisions, Decisions …

The focus for Year 11 in the Autumn Term is very much on decisions relating to subjects to be studied in the Sixth Form. To provide the student perspective, on Thursday 23 October, all Year 11 students gathered in the Sports Hall to discuss their Post-16 Option choices with Year 12 IB Diploma and A-level subject representatives. Year 11 students will also have the opportunity to discuss their course selection and university and career aspirations in individual interviews with teaching staff on Tuesday 4 November 2014. There will be a further opportunity for both students and parents to attend a Post-16 presentation and meet Heads of Department on Monday evening 10 November. To facilitate School planning, Year 11 are required to confirm their Post-16 decisions by Thursday 4 December 2014. We wish them well in their deliberations.

Y11 Meets