News@St-Chris Vol 3.03/Nov 2014

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League Winners and Tournament Winners

Once again the Junior Boys Volleyball had a very successful season winning both the league and tournament. I was particularly pleased with the number of boys that attended the practices. As you can see we had a large squad of players that made both a great contribution to the team and many individuals made so much progress in their individual skills.

Junior Boys Squad
George Axtell – (Captain)
Seb Timmers – (Vice Captain)
Usman Zafar Anas Ramadan
Callum Dawson Joshua Blake
Colby Altman Mohammed Al-Shehabi
Kareem Bagaeen Rayan Ali
Faris AlKhalo Adreej Parmaj
Harry Cook Josh Cornelius
Aidan Shretta Oliver Bloodworth
Fritz Tautenhahn Sava Jankovic
