News@St-Chris Vol 4.03/Nov2015

Nov 182015
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Games galore and much, much more….

On Tuesday 3 November, the Learning Support Department was a hive of activity. Parents of students that are supported across the school were invited to join the LS team for a coffee and to sample the plethora of learning delights that the department has to offer.


It was a display of autonomous learning at its best, as students eagerly adapted to the role of teacher and took the opportunity to guide their parents through a variety of games and activities that they use to aid their learning. Some of the children’s favourite resources were on display, ranging from word and spelling games, maths problems, sensory boards and useful iPad Apps. One student expressed his delight as he tested his Grannie’s logical reasoning skills using the exciting ‘Brainsnack’ resource, and there was certainly an element of healthy competition as parents explored the Interactive Whiteboard games!

The afternoon ran very smoothly and it was a wonderful opportunity to see familiar faces and also meet some new ones – including our own new Head of Learning Support, Dawn Gosling.

A special thank you to everyone who attended and helped to make the afternoon a success.