News@St-Chris Vol 4.03/Nov2015

Nov 182015
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Sing and Save the World

The Year 4 production of The Bumblesnouts Save the World was performed in front of parents and governors on Tuesday 20 October.

The children put in an enormous amount of effort to learn all their lines, as well as the song lyrics and they rose to the challenge to put on a very lively and informative show. The acting was very impressive, the singing was superb and the dancing was excellent!

Y4 Cantata

The story was about The Bumblesnouts, a group of gentle aliens from Planet Zyblob who travel to Earth in their funny old spaceship. Their mission is to inspire Earthlings to take better care of their beautiful planet. No sooner landed and they are attacked by punks and sprayed by an over- zealous cleaners. Next they encounter hunters and reckless tree fellers – all behaving badly.

Everyone in the year group had a part to play, creating sets and props and directing the scenes. We all thoroughly enjoyed singing the catchy tunes and the Year 4 Activity Street is still buzzing with song.