News@St-Chris Vol 4.04/Dec2015

Dec 152015
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Adults in the Making

Year 9 Wave

On Sunday 6 December one of the most important events of Year 9’s calendar, Aspiration Day, took place. Aspiration Day provides Year 9 students with the opportunity to start considering the goals of their future lives.

Armed with portfolios, which contained their Curriculum Vitae and certificates celebrating their achievements to date, Year 9 took part in interviews with their form tutors. These interviews allowed students to display their many achievements, which come from a wide range of different disciplines, such as horse riding, instrumental music, ice-skating, dance, jiu jitsu and many more. Moreover, students started the process of considering how to achieve their future goals. These interviews which lasted about 15 minutes, enabled students to experience a formal interview situation, not unlike a job interview or one for a university place. Dressed in formal suits and national dress, Year 9 were transformed into young professionals.

The whole process was enriching for both staff and students and firmly reminded us (as if we need reminding) what a remarkably talented, independent, responsible and well-motivated year group they are.