News@St-Chris Vol 5.08/April2017

Apr 112017
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Year 7 Explore their Options

Over 150 students and parents packed into the School Hall to watch Year 7 present their Learning and Teaching afternoon on Sunday 19 March. The main event was presented by Areeba Lalani, Thalia Saghbini, Iram Tammam and Talaal Sharif with another 25 students presenting on behalf of their forms. The presentation covered topics related to all aspects of teaching and learning at the Senior School from ECAs to teaching styles, and parents were given lots of information about what is currently going on in class and important dates to look out for on the calendar between now and the end of the term. Head of Year 7, Mr O’Dowd said, “I would like to thank and congratulate all students for their hard work leading up to this event as well as thanking all tutors for their help and support in preparing the students for their presentations”. A special thanks also to Mr Doherty for putting together the main presentation and managing the technical aspects.