News@St-Chris Vol 1.02/Nov 2012

Nov 142012
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Hearts Pumping and Taste Buds Tingling – It’s Health and Fitness Week!

Infant children enjoying Health and Fitness Week

We have had a fun-packed Health and Fitness Week in the Infant and Junior Schools with lots of exciting events to get hearts pumping and taste buds tingling! Each break time children have had the opportunity to ‘beat the teacher’ at some amazing feats of physical skill and endurance! The Infant children challenged their teachers to see how many star jumps they could do in a minute. Reception managed to do a lot more star jumps than Mr Evans, Mrs Nicoll and Mrs Leahy! Our Year 1 children attempted to beat Mr Churchill and Year 2 went up against Mr Clifton and Miss Colhoun! “All in all, we have decided that our teachers need to workout more!” a Year 2 child (who wished to remain anonymous) was heard to say! 😉

The Junior children had the more challenging task of beating their teachers at the bleep test. Year 3 tried to beat Mr Dawson, Mr Ross and Mrs Jardine; Year 4 challenged Mr Maye and Mr Roycroft; Year 5 attempted to beat Mr van der Eyken, Mrs Holness and Miss Dracup; while Year 6 went up against Mr Coast and Mr Armstrong. Mr Holness set the standard against several year groups and was a hard man to beat!

Each morning the Infant and Junior children joined parents and teachers out on the Tiger Turf for the energising ‘Wake-up Workout’ to some great music and moves. The week ended with a fun-packed assembly that included an Inter-House food tasting challenge and a video round up of the week. Mr Tonks represented Falcon, Mr Sissons represented Kestrel, Miss McCleod tasted for Merlin and Miss Hamill did her best for Osprey. With blindfolds on, each teacher had to taste four different healthy smoothies and guess the ingredients!

Falcon were the triumphant House with the winning taste buds of Mr Tonks! It was an exciting week and we hope you keep up the healthy living for the rest of the year! Watch Our Video 

This year, the Senior School held its inaugural Health and Fitness Week in mid October.  The purpose of the week was to inspire as many of our students to take part in Yoga, Aerobics, a team rowing challenge or a Tribal Fitness session.  Students taking part in Tribal Fitness enjoyed getting back to basic natural play like movement, whilst those in Yoga and Aerobics found new and fun ways of exercising.

The Rowing Challenge brought a feeling of electrifying competition to the week. Teams of 6 students were challenged to row as far as possible in 12 minutes. Each team could decide how they wanted to split up their allotted time, as long as everybody rowed. As a result, the speed of change-overs became vitally important.  Some teams became so efficient that it looked like a pit stop in a Formula 1 race!! The effort from each team was enormous and it made for a great spectacle, with cheering team mates and spectators screaming encouragement to their friends. The overall winning teams and distances are listed ; however, everyone involved  put an huge amount of effort in.