News@St-Chris Vol 1.02/Nov 2012

Nov 142012
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Music is an Attitude

Unplugged V was a resounding success, with students from Year 13 right down to Year 8 showing off a wide variety of talents. The Sixth Form team of Khizar, Natasha, Lewis, Ali, Khaled, Byron, Callum and Nikita did a fantastic job of helping to audition the acts and set up the School Hall in the perfect arena, the round, for the acts to strut their stuff. Special mention of a couple of individuals – Sarah who filled in at the last minute for an absentee, MHMG who brought the house down with their rendition of Sandi Thom’s classic I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker and younger debutants Abdullah and Anastacia who both gave outstanding performances. As Nick Wilson commented in his closing remarks – you would be hard pushed to find a better, more impressive evening’s entertainment any time, anywhere.

This should be a definite for your diary next year!

An evening to remember