News@St-Chris Vol 1.05/Jan 2013

Jan 152013
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Winter Music Delights

Tickets for this year’s Winter Concert were in particular demand right up to the day before the event. There’s no doubt that the Winter Concert is a highlight of the school year and this year’s event lived up to its reputation involving students from Year 1 to Year 13.

Year 2 Choir got the evening off to a fantastic start. Junior Orchestra played particularly well this year, making a great sound and performing to a high standard. Infant and Junior choirs presented a lovely variety of seasonal and secular music with several soloists shining. Senior Girls’ Choir sang their haunting repertoire and Senior Mixed Choir supported them with another great performance.

RGCAC got the opportunity to show their winning piece from the recent Bahrain Young Performers Festival. Raoul D’Souza led the school and audience in the traditional White Christmas towards the end of the evening. Senior Orchestra performed a mixture of rock and seasonal items to show their breadth.

Each year we face the challenge of how to involve everyone in the closing item, regardless of age or ability. This year, the solution, after significant planning, rehearsal and secrecy, was an Elvis inspired Flash Mob. The Finale, with 14 Elvis’, everyone dancing, including Senior Team prefects, orchestras, choirs and two of Bahrain’s best known and respected Elvis impersonators – Elvis Aaron Stephenson and Ian (The King) Fellows (both of whom are available for ‘’Birthday Parties, Corporate Events and Private Soirees. Distance No Object’’), and a deserved encore with everyone taking part, was a fitting way to end the concert and the term. It’s no coincidence that the YouTube clip of the Flash Mob reached over 600 hits within 48 hours!

We said farewell to Mrs Pippa Hopewell at the conclusion of the concert and thanked her for 4 years of excellent service as String Teacher. It was a lovely evening and a great end of term celebration. Congratulations to everyone involved, singers, dancers, musicians, parents and teachers.