News@St-Chris Vol 2.07/Feb 2014

Feb 202014
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Year 9 Meets Year 10

On Monday 10 February, Year 9 students met with their Year 10 counterparts as part of the Year 9 Options process. The ‘marketplace’ activity which took place in the Sports Hall is designed to allow students the opportunity to speak with the current GCSE cohort about the precise nature of each GCSE subject, the type of work that is undertaken on each course and the differences between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 life. The deadline for the Options choices was Sunday 16 February, marking the end of a two-month programme of events that included a parent’s information evening, assemblies hosted by Heads of Departments and Enrichment activities relating to Higher Education and career options. Head of Year 9, Mr O’Dowd, said “It’s a very exciting time for Year 9 students, as these choices help shape and direct their future paths.” Students will receive confirmation of their subject choices in due course and their studies on these courses will commence at the start in September 2014.
