News@St-Chris Vol 2.07/Feb 2014

Feb 202014
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AQA Chief Examiner and Principal Moderator Visit

On Thursday 13 February, Peter Bunten, AQA Chief Examiner and Principal Moderator, delivered a Master Class to Year 12 and Year 13 students entered for the AS English Literature LITB1 examination in May 2014. The Master Class guided students through the AS LITB1 examination from the perspective of an Examiner. Peter outlined, from an Examiner’s point of view, the skills students are required to demonstrate in the examination in order to be successful. He illustrated how students could meet the assessment objectives in each question of the examination, making explicit exactly what each question demanded from students. Students were given valuable insight into ways in which they could write and structure answers in order to raise attainment to the top mark bands. Peter also guided students through the reading and interrogation of examination questions. Particularly useful was the advice Peter gave on the important choices students need to make in the examination regarding which texts they choose to use in the different sections of the examination and which material is relevant to select from texts when answering a question. The students had an opportunity to respond to questions and ask individual questions during the session. Peter followed his Master Class with the students with invaluable INSET for the English Department on both the AS LITB1 examination and AS LITB2 coursework.