News@St-Chris Vol 2.07/Feb 2014

Feb 202014
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Year 7 Geography Trip to Seef Mall

Sarah Roos, 7C, reports that we had been preparing for the trip for some time and we were all extremely excited to find out why Seef Mall was a popular place to visit. Before we left, we gathered a few items (pencil, rubber, ruler and a clipboard) and left our bags in the classroom. Shortly after, we went and caught the bus at the main entrance.  During the ride everyone was having a great time and were looking forward to getting the work done. Once we had arrived at Seef Mall, we went straight to work, completing traffic and pedestrian counts, field sketches and environmental quality surveys. We were all amazed at how many cars entered the Mall! It took forever to draw our field sketches as the areas were quite complex and detailed! We then went inside the Mall and had to draw a Land Use Survey which is basically a plan of the upper floor showing all of the shops and what goods they sell. They were then listed as High Order or Low Order selling Comparison or Convenience goods. From all the information gathered, we are now writing up the results. After we had completed all our work, we had time to eat and shop. We all enjoyed that immensely. Finally, after a long and exhausting day we took the bus back to school and had the last two periods of the day! That is now my favourite school trip and I am sure that everyone would agree! Thank you, Mr. Hobday!

Year 7 Geography Field Trip