News@St-Chris Vol 7.14/JUL2019

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Written by Mr O’Dowd

The Senior School’s annual Prize Day was held on Sunday 23 June to celebrate the success of students from Years 7 – 12. The event was attended by His Excellency, Mr Simon Martin, British Ambassador to Bahrain who presented awards and certificates to students in Years 11 and 12 as well as a number of special awards to high achieving students.

In total over 230 students were awarded prizes, with 30 students recognised in their absence who were in China taking part in the World Scholar’s Cup.

Adam Shamma was awarded the Sandy Whitford Award and Sriram Venkatesh was awarded the Head Teachers Prize. Staff, students and parents were treated to a demonstration by Year 12 student Mohammad Eljawhari’s who has developed a robotic prosthetic arm.